Sekarreporter1: *22.3.’21, LAW NOTES :* *(6)* Although a liberal construction of a State entry is desirable, but at the same time the Court should guard against extending the meaning of the word beyond reasonable limit.

[3/22, 06:21] Sekarreporter1: *22.3.’21, LAW NOTES :*

*(6)* Although a liberal construction of a State entry is desirable, but at the same time the Court should guard against extending the meaning of the word beyond reasonable limit.

[(2004) 10 SCC 201]
St. of W.B. Vs. Kesoram Industries Ltd.

*(7)* Ambit and scope of any entry in the VII Schedule cannot be determined with reference to Parliamentary enactment.

[(1996) 3 SCC 709]
St. of AP Vs. Mc Dowell &Co.

[(2017) 3 SCC 545]
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation Vs. GTL Infrastructure Ltd.

*(To be continued)*
[3/22, 06:21] Sekarreporter1: ☘️

Author k selvaraj mhc advt

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