Justices Vineet Kothari and R Suresh Kumar gave the directive while passing orders The judges said “We direct the authorities of Public Works Department to ensure complete closure of the units manufacturing purified water, who do not hold valid no objection certificate or permission from the department concerned either from it or from CMWSSB. It should file a compliance report on February 6.”

Shut down illegal water-extracting units: Madras HC
The firms facing closure are G D Aqua Farm at Vadaperumbakkam, Jaya Package Industry, Puzhal, Aravinth Aqua, Redhills and Mallika Water Products, Madhavaram.

Published: 12th January 2020 05:20 AM  |   Last Updated: 12th January 2020 05:20 AM  |  A+A A-

Madras High Court (File Photo | D Sampath Kumar/EPS)
By Express News Service
PUDUCHERRY: Madras High Court has directed the authorities concerned to order closure of four illegal water-extracting industries in North Chennai.
The firms facing closure are G D Aqua Farm at Vadaperumbakkam, Jaya Package Industry, Puzhal, Aravinth Aqua, Redhills and Mallika Water Products, Madhavaram.
A bench of Justices Vineet Kothari and R Suresh Kumar gave the directive while passing orders on a PIL petition from M V Sivamuthu, Tamil Nadu East Region general secretary of NEAT Association, on January 9.
Petitioner’s grievance is, illegal extraction of groundwater by the firms, which are engaged in manufacturing purified water. Such unauthorised extraction is causing depletion of water resources. The water table has gone down considerably.
The judges said “We direct the authorities of Public Works Department to ensure complete closure of the units manufacturing purified water, who do not hold valid no objection certificate or permission from the department concerned either from it or from CMWSSB. It should file a compliance report on February 6.”
S Prabakaran of PWD and Chief Engineer, State Ground and Surface Water Resources Data Centre at Taramani should be present in court on Feb. 6 with the compliance report and provide  data as to how many units are engaged in such purified water manufacturing industry in the State and how many hold valid permission from the authorities concerned. A complete overall view of the said position may be produced before this court on that date, the bench said. The units which are closed now will not be allowed to operate again and extract water unless and until they strictly comply with conditions and obtain permission to do so. The court asked to begin manufacture activity after informing court in advance.

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