[7/30, 19:25] Sekarreporter 1: https://twitter.com/sekarreporter1/status/1288835544806391810?s=08 [7/30, 19:25] Sekarreporter 1: Breaking: Bar Council of India has decided to postpone All India Bar Examination to be held on 16.8.2020, Lat Date of receipt of application extended to 31.08.2020 @barcouncilindia #AIBE https://t.co/Q9lTi9kwOY

[7/30, 19:25] Sekarreporter 1: https://twitter.com/sekarreporter1/status/1288835544806391810?s=08
[7/30, 19:25] Sekarreporter 1: Breaking: Bar Council of India has decided to postpone All India Bar Examination to be held on 16.8.2020, Lat Date of receipt of application extended to 31.08.2020


AIBE https://t.co/Q9lTi9kwOY

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