[7/1, 16:26] sekarreporter 9445430817: https://twitter.com/sekarreporter1/status/1278281253012115459?s=08 [7/1, 16:26] sekarreporter 9445430817: [7/1, 16:18] Lita Srinivasan: maintainability of the GO transferring the case to CBI .. requesting the government to rescind the order .. An offence under section 302 IPC is not a notified offence under section 3 of Delhi Special Police Establishment Act , 1946 and hence the request for seeking investigation by CBI is a misapprehension . Held in the case of Saroja Vs State of TN and 6 others by JKJ and reported in 1990 LW (crl) 335 .. Lita Srinivasan [7/1, 16:23] sekarreporter 9445430817: 🙏🏾

[7/1, 16:26] sekarreporter 9445430817: https://twitter.com/sekarreporter1/status/1278281253012115459?s=08
[7/1, 16:26] sekarreporter 9445430817: [7/1, 16:18] Lita Srinivasan: maintainability of the GO transferring the case to CBI .. requesting the government to rescind the order ..

An offence under section 302 IPC is not a notified offence under section 3 of Delhi Special Police Establishment Act , 1946 and hence the request for seeking investigation by CBI is a misapprehension .

Held in the case of Saroja Vs State of TN and 6 others by JKJ and reported in 1990 LW (crl) 335 ..

Lita Srinivasan
[7/1, 16:23] sekarreporter 9445430817: 🙏🏾

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