Mhc advt sivaji today legal bits [1/4, 08:35] Sekarreporter1: [1/4, 07:21] Sivaji: “HOW THE SPIRIT OF CONSTITUTION OF INDIA” IS PRACTICALLY FOLLOWED FROM IT’S

[1/4, 08:35] Sekarreporter1: Mhc advt sivaji today legal bits
[1/4, 08:35] Sekarreporter1: [1/4, 07:21] Sivaji: “HOW THE SPIRIT OF CONSTITUTION OF INDIA” IS PRACTICALLY FOLLOWED FROM IT’S COMMENCEMENT TO TILL 2020. WHETHER IT’S EACH PROVISION IS STREANTHENING OR WEAKENING OF SUPREMACY” sir this is topic I will write daily bites……. first start with the opening words of preamble…’ WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA…..’
The constitution absolutely adopted all people resididing ordinarily in the territory of India just 5 year prior to commencement of asconstitution (27th November 1949. the constitution day or prime law day) as fullest members of state called citizen of India. here the the word ‘teritorry of India’ means within the article 1 of constitution. the same article also named India is Bharat.therefore to change the name of India as Bharat doesn’t require any constitutional amendments by parliament or by judicial intervention. that is why part I and II came into force on 26th November not on 26th January. once the people become absolute members of state as authority can have power to discriminate on any authority means one is parliament and another one is judiciary. whether both institution can have absolute sovereign function / power or not? for which we need to understand the meaning of the word ‘ sovereign’ and we should also know whether Indian parliament is sovereign body like that of England parliament? ……. thanks follows
[1/4, 08:33] Sekarreporter1: Super

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