[8/3, 15:50] Sekarreporter 1: https://twitter.com/sekarreporter1/status/1290231070986661888?s=08 [8/3, 15:50] Sekarreporter 1: It’s is absolutely rumour, I don’t know who is spreading these, I don’t have any intentions like that – AG clarifies [8/3, 15:56] Ag –Vijayanarayanan Rumours are absolutely false. I have every intention of continuing to serve this Government as Advocte General [8/3, 15:56] Sekarreporter 1: Tks Sir

[8/3, 15:50] Sekarreporter 1: https://twitter.com/sekarreporter1/status/1290231070986661888?s=08
[8/3, 15:50] Sekarreporter 1: It’s is absolutely rumour, I don’t know who is spreading these, I don’t have any intentions like that – AG clarifies
[8/3, 15:56] Ag –Vijayanarayanan Rumours are absolutely false. I have every intention of continuing to serve this Government as Advocte General
[8/3, 15:56] Sekarreporter 1: Tks Sir

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