[3/11, 12:56] Sekarreporter 1: https://twitter.com/sekarreporter1/status/1237640991655358464?s=08 [3/11, 12:56] Sekarreporter 1: Crl RC filed by Kc and skc against the discharge order dismissal by the spl court dismissed as withdrawn with liberty to file revision after the orders of quash petition and the transfer challenge petition are passed.- Judge M..Sundar- Specially Ordered Case N.R.Elango Sr counsel for petitioners & Income Tax Public Prosecutors M.Sheela & N.Baskaran for IT dept

[3/11, 12:56] Sekarreporter 1: https://twitter.com/sekarreporter1/status/1237640991655358464?s=08
[3/11, 12:56] Sekarreporter 1: Crl RC filed by Kc and skc against the discharge order dismissal by the spl court dismissed as withdrawn with liberty to file revision after the orders of quash petition and the transfer challenge petition are passed.- Judge M..Sundar- Specially Ordered Case
N.R.Elango Sr counsel for petitioners
& Income Tax Public Prosecutors
M.Sheela & N.Baskaran
for IT dept

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