15.3.’21, VALIDATION ACT Continued:* *(1)* The Validation cannot be effected by merely declaring that the decision of the Court shall not be binding, because the Legislature cannot reverse a Judicial decision.

*15.3.’21, VALIDATION ACT Continued:*

*(1)* The Validation cannot be effected by merely declaring that the decision of the Court shall not be binding, because the Legislature cannot reverse a Judicial decision.

[(1969) 2 SCC 283]
Shri Prithvi Cotton Mills Ltd. Vs. Broach Borough Municipality

*(2)* The Legislature by Validation Act, cannot declare any pending Judicial proceedings to be invalid and discharged, or directly overrule, set aside or override a Judicial decision.

[1998) 6 SCC 643]
T. Lakshmikumara Thatachariar Vs. Commr., HR&CE

[(1995) 6 SCC 242]
St. Of Orissa Vs. Gopal Chandra Rath

[(2014) 12 SCC 696]
St. Of T N Vs. St. of Kerala

(Brief notes on Validation Act completed)

K selvaraj advocate mhc

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